  • a calculator for each player
  • score sheet
Number of Players:

One (1) or Two (2)

Object of the Game:
To reach 100 in as few divisions as possible.
The [] key is used to generate the numbers you will be dividing.  It is not used for any other part of the game.
  1. On a piece of paper, prepare a score sheet as shown at the right.
  2. Each player chooses a number and enters it on the calculator.
  3. Each player presses the
    [] key.  If the number on the player's calculator display has fewer than 3 digits, the player repeats Steps 1 and 2.
Player 1 Player 2
Quotient Score Quotient Score






  1. Players take turns.  Each player uses the final digit (the one furthest to the right) in the calculator display as a 1-digit number and uses the two digits before the final digit as a 2-digit number.
  2. Each player divides the 2-digit number the 1-digit number and records the result.  (This result is the quotient.  Remainders are ignored.)  Players calculate mentally or on paper, not on the calculator.  Do not clear the calculator.
  3. The players press [] and repeat Steps 3 and 4 until the sum of a player's quotients is 100 or more.  The winner is the first player to have a total score of 100 or more.  If there is only one player, the object is to reach 100 or more in as few turns as possible.
Example: First turn: 
Enter 5678 and press [].
On a 10-digit display, the result is 75.35250494.
Divide 49 by 4.  The quotient is 12 with a remainder of 1.

Second turn:
Without clearing the calculator, press [].
The result is 8.680582062.
Divide 06, or 6, by 2.  The quotient is 3.

Third turn:
Without clearing the calculator, press [].
The result is 2.946282753.
Divide 75 by 3.  The quotient is 25.

Quotient Score















Challenge Version:

Attach 0 to each 1-digit and 2-digit number.  For example, if the display is 2.946182827, divide 820 by 70.